Brij Sethi
Agile, Passion @Work
Learn, Have Fun and Add Value ” – If none is happening then it is time to leave the job
” Purpose and Affection ” join individuals
” First answer Why, then Who, then What and answer How only in the end ” – Come back to this mantra if a discussion is in chaos
B.Sc. Electronics Engineering from Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh and PGDBM from IIM Ahmedabad.
Since 1981 in IT
Large programs / projects managed
Organizations transformed to Agile

Let's Dig More About Me !!
I worked for Wipro and HP for many years and more recently founded a Media Studio to make educational content. When I was CTO for HP, I facilitated deep expertise and innovation. The number of patents filed in 1 year went up from 6 to 184.
I am trained in group facilitation. In workshop settings – I can help agile practitioners do personal action planning, undo team dysfunctions by themselves and dream a future by tinkering to a customer context. I am always on the look out for guests for my career readiness podcast – Ready to work – on
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