CHOW #209 – The hares and the rabbits

The situation “So, you are saying that the main problem with productivity measurements like velocity is that, story points, the basis on which these velocities are measured against, cannot be trusted…” “Yes. Mainly because there are no standards for story points. It is actually a relative measurement. And the main focus of velocity measurements based […]
CHOW #196 – Improving Productivity of the support and maintenance teams

Manish has taken up the role of a Scrum Master in a new team which has recently adopted Agile. The team is responsible for support and maintenance of a very important enterprise application and has adopted iteration based delivery model. All the support and maintenance requests are raised through a ticketing tool and come to […]
3 bucket formula for time management

Haven’t we all tried multiple techniques to manage our time better? I have. I have tried different tools, techniques and, almost every time, given up after a few days to few weeks. I have been getting a lot of questions related to time management, with the WFH model making the work-life balance more of a […]
Chow #146 – Stagnant Productivity

Chris is a project manager in a successful product company and has been managing a team of 10 developers, who deliver a high end analytical platform, used by hundreds of users. Chris and his team are aware of their accomplishment and take pride in their methods. While the product is well received, and the team […]
CHOW #133 – Standardization – one size fits all

Sharma is a metrics-oriented Head of an IT function. Prior to adopting agile, his organization used Function Point (FP) method for measuring software size. Along with the effort data entered by individuals, teams measured productivity factor as FP per person day of effort. This data was used for estimating new project effort as well as […]
IT Productivity – a point of view

Productivity measurement in IT function has been debated and demanded over decades. Having made multiple attempts at solving this puzzle over many years, I have developed a point of view on productivity measurement. You may or may not agree but here it goes. To measure productivity, one needs measures of output and input. Often business […]