CHOW #286 – A clash of journeys

Asin is a bright fresh recruit in the mid-sized organization that you lead as the CEO. She wanted to specialize in cyber security. Asin had joined with tremendous anticipation. She had picked your organization in preference to two other big names during the campus placement. Prior to deciding, she had actually visited your office and […]
Tweaks in the traditional approach… Agile

As a coach, I often reflect on how the approaches and the practices have evolved from the traditional to the Agile. I can recollect many instances and moments, when we did things differently, improvised a bit, in the traditional world. These were steps, tips, tricks that improved the effectiveness in the traditional approaches. Over a […]
Making Deadlines Effective

In my previous blog, “Project without a Deadline does not complete”; we looked at the importance of starting a project with an end date in mind. In this blog, we are going to explore this subject of deadlines further and see how to make the deadlines effective. A deadline is a double-edged sword. It can […]
Not just planning, presentation too… and beyond

In the late eighties we were working on an enhanced version of the InstaPlan, a project management software for IBM PC Compatibles. Those were the days before the advent of email, the Product Manager was located in the US and the development team in India. We used to courier the software on floppies/3.5” diskettes, as […]
6 Things about Custom Workshops for Project / Delivery Managers

As a Learning & Development (L&D) leader or Delivery Head for software, you have a constant need to upgrade the knowledge and skill levels of teams that are right in the middle of projects – a challenge akin to fuelling in mid-air! You may ask yourself, ‘Should I send the team for a training program […]
CHOW #2– What should be the plan for Knowledge transfer?

You are transitioning support and maintenance of a legacy application from the customer to an onsite/offshore team. The customer has asked you to provide a plan for the Knowledge Transfer (KT) phase comprising: – Number of people onsite (assume New York City), duration and their activities – Number of people offshore (assume Bangalore), duration and […]
CHOW #1– How to choose success criteria for a project?

You are the Project Manager for developing a new web-based application for a customer that will replace a series of linked Excel spreadsheets. Senior managers in the customer organization are keen on having this done as they are frustrated by issues arising from lack of data integrity and lack of transparency of information (due to […]