Agile in its core needs to bring business teams closer to the technology implementation and increase the speed of feedback loops. With Business outcome at the critical success factor along with culture of courage, transparency and commitment built into teams as a core driver, all teams start their transformation.
First part of the series, change in the culture starts with the teams to create an awareness of problem awareness, engaged teams and innovation mindset.
Second part of the series, product management needs to unlock the value that is being delivered in the new digital environment that we are operating.
In this article we’ll explore deeper on how do we get the agile teams engaged and empowered in unlocking business value
Power Of Questions
Earth has gravitational force of 9.8 m/sec2 has been the same from time immemorial. It needed an apple to fall on Edison along with the power of questions on why it happened.
Many times we have seen serendipity come to play when there is paradigm shift happens with teams.
So how does this happen?
One of the critical factors is to stay in the problem domain to understand better for the stakeholders who is being impacted prior to the actually solving it.
There are several types of questions that are present.

We see two year olds start asking ‘Why’, ‘How’ and “No”. In large organizations, we need to enable team members and leadership alike to question the purpose before going full steam ahead.
It’s useful to keep the Question Pyramid in context for teams prior to creating a common understanding of the problem area and continue with the solution creation.
Bringing it together
Agile in its core needs to bring business teams closer to the technology implementation and increase the speed of feedback loops. With Business outcome at the critical success factor along with culture of courage, transparency and commitment built into teams. This is the core driver to get all teams start their transformation.
Its critical to have engaged team members who fully understand the problems that they are trying to solve and equipped with all the necessary tools to become engaged, empowered and enabled team members
It’s important to invest in product management practices. It could be based on value realities, personas and digital business model that is being incorporated. These three steps need to be done to unravel being agile pivoted toward business valuable platforms and products.
Unlocking Business Value is an intervention to help teams to deeply appreciate the value that is being created and pave a path for even higher value creation.
Business Value Series: Foundation of agile culture rooted in Value Delivery
Business Value Series: Product Owner Competency in drawing out Business Value aligned with vision