Some fun with Agile

We all know that these are desperate times. The beast called COVID-19 has possessed us like the very devil, and won’t let go.  The economy is down, many people have lost their jobs and livelihood. There are tantalizing stories of vaccines coming out soon. But, when soon? But, I feel that the physical masks have had a tempering effect on the figurative masks that people wear. Haven’t people become more open and ready to bare their souls? Yes, people have become more philosophical. But of course, our country and our economy need more people buying stuff rather than spouting philosophy. When will this situation ease? Soon, I hope.

While whining about current conditions and worrying about nightmarish future scenarios, to help lift up our spirits, I thought that I could share some limericks with you about Agile.

Have fun.

A Limerick about Agile in general – Agile is fast

The customer said, “I want this feature today.”

The team leader said, “Yes ma’am, we will work all day.

We will use all our guile,

Employ approach Agile,

And provide the feature to you yesterday.”

The following are limericks about each of the five values outlined in the book ‘The Five Tantras of Enterprise Agility

Value 1: Customer focus

The customer said, “Lend me your focus,

And make sure there is no hocus-pocus.

I say, do not stockpile

Our backlogs, use Agile.

Did you think you could dock us and mock us?”

Value 2: Self-organisation

If monkeys can self-organise,

So can people too, do likewise.

And by using Agile,

They become versatile,

No leader needs to supervise.

Value 3: Transformational leadership

The leader said, “I will transform you

The leader said, “I won’t direct you.

I will not teach

I will not preach.”

(S)he said, I will just listen to you.

Value 4: Experimentation and Learning

Do this, do that, give the pot a shake,

Try this, try that, learn from your mistake.

Too much planning and analysis

Leads to choking and paralysis.

Learn, experiment and innovake!

Value 5: Lean thinking

He removed inefficiencies, was mean

The more he removed, the more he became lean.

Productivity he did not measure,

Becoming lean, that’s where he found pleasure.

No bit of fat in his body is seen.

Paramu Kurumathur

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